17.06.2011 19:23

Hiya readers :) 4 days with my pullup bar and I am doing GREAT! I can now do like ONE sloppy pullup all the way up, but it is not proper at all. First day my back muscles and shoulders were KILLING me all day, so I was not practising the other day (I know now how important is to let the body recover), another day I was able to do that again.

I placed the pullup bar in very strategic (and only possible) spot - in my doors leading from my living room/workout room to my kitchen. And I also have to go through this door when I wanna visit bathroom. And I told myself to try at least a little bit everytime I pass these doors (on the way in, not on the way out yet). I am a good girl and I follow it. I can feel my upper body strength increasing and I can literally see my biceps muscles being a little bigger than they used to be (they were nonexistent before, haha). I have 30cm now around biceps and I had 29 like two weeks ago. I think adding more protein to my diet helped, avoiding crappy food, having an occasional protein shake during the day (with water, trying to avoid dairy as much as I can, but I still have some occasional yogurt and from time to time a glass of milk - I love cold milk....). 

In one of his podcasts, Alfonso says that he is sipping a protein shake during a workout, I tried it yesteday too and I am gonna try it more. I can't say it helps me yet, of course, but I will keep doing it and I expect to see a change. I still pig around a bit (oh those potato chips, there is nothing else like them!!!), but most of the time I am good with my diet, cooking each day...

One of my readers, Ayca (hi girl!) told me in a comment something that was alsolutely true - that maybe I am setting my goals too high. I also added that I may be setting too many of them at the same time. I wanna acomplish something at fitness, at work, at my personal life, at my hobbies... and sometimes I don't realize I don't need to be perfect in everything to feel good about myself. Honestly, lately I have something that really pushes me forward in all I do. I am doing great at work, at fitness, with diet, I am happy every day and all the time, I am very positive and people are asking: "What happened to you?" I wanna tell them, but I can't yet :D mostly because most of it is still only in my head. I just know that looking forward to something makes me so alive, happy and enthusiastic and passionate about life! Everything is going GREAT now! :)))


So! I decided that I will keep myself happy and I am not gonna let ANYTHING or ANYONE to ruin it for me. And I am gonna set new goals and new rules for myself. Instead of saying "I won't" I will focus on "I will." No more "I will not do this, I will not eat that." Let's stay positive all the way! I simply ruled myself, that I WILL workout 5 days a week, I WILL give myself 2 days off to recover, I WILL keep eating the way I do now and I WILL bring interval skipping back. I loved it when I did it in the past (20 minutes after each workout), and I wanna do it again. And I will love myself, that is the most important :)

And my ultimate goal now? Simple, not easy, but worth the work - I WILL BE HAPPY.



I have to set some goals also :(

Datum: 12.07.2011 | Vložil: Ayca

I'm so happy to see myself in one of your entries, I felt special :) hehe
Look at your goals now, you have set too many again, but I guess they are do-able and if you could do all of them please tell me what was it that encouraged you to do so when you felt completely lazy, tired from work, or half sick, or just not in the mood? I really need help. I fell off the vagon in January, still couldn't get back to how I was. I used to train 4 days a week, half Zuzanna, half hardcore aerobics. And then I had one vacation, 6-10 colds and influenzas and 2 injuries and 2 inflammations up to this date. Is it just unluckiness or am I just forcing myself to believe that I was sick and tired or was I just try to escape and give road to my laziness I don't know! But I would really like to know what makes you push yourself off from the bed/couch/whatever things you sit on and start kicking your own ass. Because I lost my influence :(

oj, I'm sorry that I wrote you my own problems, but you seemed very happy and full of influences I thought maybe I could get some from your positive energy :)

Take care and keeep rocking!!!

Re: I have to set some goals also :(

Datum: 29.07.2011 | Vložil: Nina_CZ

Hi Ayca :)
I know I keep setting so many goals, so many things I wanna do, and right now there is SO MUCH STUFF going on in my life! Quitting my old job, looking for a new one, looking for a new apartment, dealing with divorce, stress at work, you name it. What really helps me to get up and do my workout is... I really don't know how to describe it! It is just this inner voice that tells me to GO! Just yesterday, I was so tired and lacked energy, so I was sure I will NOT do my workout. I told my mom to come in 20 minutes, so we can watch some True Blood :) but as I was walking up the stairs to my apartment, something clicked in my head, I turned back and said to myself: Wait, it is just 12 minutes and you will feel bad if you won't do it. Come on, you can do this! So I did, and I was happy I didn't give up. I don't really know what that is, maybe it is the endorphine addiction? :D I always feel so alive, energized and happy after a workout, and maybe I got a little addicted to that feeling and I wanna feel it again and again and again....

Setting goals in the right way

Datum: 29.06.2011 | Vložil: Mila

I really like your "I will" rule! Thanks for inspiration.

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