
Datum: 26.07.2011 | Vložil: Jos

I've read Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution and I think I need to re-read it again and again, especially the scientific part where he explains how our digestion system works. I'm sure you're gonna like it :) I also listen to audiobook by Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat - pretty much it's a shorter and lighter version of Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes - a book that Robb Wolf actually recommends to read if you want to know more about how different food affect our body.

That Caveman Custard sounds delicious but it might be a bit high on sugar because of the banana. Just a little suggestion, when you're on Whole30, try not to substitute your sugar cravings with another sugar, even from fruits - try to eat protein or fat instead :) I think I read something like this on Whole9 / Whole30 FB a while back when someone mentioned that he/she was eating fruits whenever she has sugar cravings while doing Whole30.

Anyway you're doing great and I actually totally agree that doing Paleo is way easier, simpler, stress free diet/lifestyle compared to Zuzana's. Not that I have anything against hers, but to me just reading a bunch of rules and regulations how to eat, when etc etc put me off completely. And I also do not like the idea of a whole cheat day once a week. I rather just save those cheats or treats limited to a very special events or when I really really can't help it and it starts to drive me mad.

Ok sorry for the super long comment..keep it up! :)

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